السبت، 23 يناير 2010

Full Scholarships for Graduate Study, MASDAR Institute, Abu Dhabi

Full Scholarships for Graduate Study, MASDAR Institute, Abu Dhabi

Full Scholarships for Graduate Study at MASDAR Institute in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Carbon Neutral, Zero Waste City
The MASDAR Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi is pleased to announce full scholarships to highly qualified graduate students from around the world for its Fall 2010 intake
The MASDAR Institute is the centerpiece of the MASDAR Initiative, a landmark program by the government of Abu Dhabi to establish an entirely new economic sector dedicated to alternative and sustainable energy. The MASDAR Institute is a private, not-for-profit, independent, research-driven institute developed with the support and cooperation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT provides assistance in recruitment of faculty members and senior administrative staff and the provision of course curriculum, amongst other matters. The Institute is located inside the world’s first carbon neutral,

zero waste Masdar City which will be powered solely by alternative energy, mainly solar energy. Eighty-eight students from 22 countries were admitted into the Fall 2009 intake, all on full scholarships.
The Institute offers MSc programs, and in Fall 2010 is planning to start PhD programs in science and engineering disciplines, with a focus on advanced energy and sustainable technologies. It welcomes and encourages applications from qualified students and provides scholarships to talented students who meet its high admission standards.
Details of faculty profiles, current research, programs offered, course description, scholarships, and other information including an online application module is available at www.masdar.ac.ae.

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